Matthew 6:9

“ Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.”

Before diving in…

Read Matthew 6:9-13. As you read it think about how Jesus started this prayer by saying “Our Father”, how does this reflect in the rest of the verses? Now, pray and jump into the reflection of Matthew 6:9.

Our Father in heaven

We are all children of God. God loves His Children. God disciples His Children. God cares for His Children. Whether you have a good relationship with your birth father or not. You can rest knowing that the God of the universe sees you as His precious child. When we pray we can call on the name of our Heavenly Father who loves us completely.

Hallowed be your name

When we come to our Father in prayer, we should come in awe of who He is. He is the God of mercy, kindness, justice, forgiveness, and patience. The world around us maybe tainted by evil, but God is not.

When you pray…

Remember you are praying to a Father that listens, loves, speaks, and longs to be in a relationship with you.

Questions :

How does knowing you are God’s child change how you commune with Him?

If you had a perfect father, what would you want him to know about you? What would you want to say to him?

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